Красочный и добрый мультсериал о приключениях Мишек Гамми - сказочных медведях, тайно живущих рядом с людьми, и о которых ходят легенды по всей земле, ведь они не раз спасали королевство и подданых короля от нападений злых гоблинов под руководством хитрого графа Игторна и другой нечистой силы. Этих медведей полюбят все дети. Сказки про них нам расскажет Дисней. Ловкие, смелые, добрые, милые - Преданней вы не встречали друзей. Мишки Гамми нас рассмешат Забавными прыжками.
01. A New Beginning
02. The Sinister Sculptor / Zummi Makes It Hot
03. Someday My Prints Will Come / Can I Keep Him?
04. A Gummi in a Gilded Cage
05. The Oracle / When You Wish Upon a Stone
06. A Gummi by Any Other Name
07. Loopy, Go Home / A-Hunting We Will Go
08. The Fence Sitter / Night of the Gargoyle
09. The Secret of the Juice
10. Sweet and Sour Gruffi / Duel of the Wizards
11. What You See Is Me / Toadie's Wild Ride
12. Bubble Trouble / Gummi in a Strange Land
13. Light Makes Right
01. Up, Up, and Away
02. Faster Than a Speeding Tummi / For a Few Sovereigns More
03. Over the River and Through the Trolls / You Snooze, You Lose
04. The Crimson Avenger
05. A Hard Dazed Knight / Do Unto Ogres
06. For Whom the Spell Holds
07. Little Bears Lost / Guess Who's Gumming to Dinner
08. My Gummi Lies Over the Ocean
01. Too Many Cooks / Just a Tad Smarter
02. If I Were You / Eye of the Beholder
03. Presto Gummo / A Tree Grows in Dunwyn
04. Day of the Beevilweevils
05. Water Way to Go / Close Encounters of the Gummi Kind
06. Snows Your Old Man / Boggling the Bears
07. The Knights of Gummadoon
08. Mirthy Me / Gummi Dearest
01. The Magnificent Seven Gummies
02. Music Hath Charms / Dress for Success
03. A Knight to Remember / Gummies Just Want to Have Fun
04. There's No Place Like Home / Color Me Gummi
05. He Who Laughs Last
06. Tummi's Last Stand / The Crimson Avenger Strikes Again
07. Ogre Baby Boom / The White Knight
08. Good Neighbor Gummi / Girl's Knight Out
09. Top Gum
10. Gummi's at Sea
01. A Gummi a Day Keeps the Doctor Away / Let Sleeping Giants Lie
02. Road to Ursalia
03. Bridge on the River Gummi / Life of the Party
04. My Kingdom for a Pie / The World According to Gusto
05. Ogre for a Day
06. Princess Problems / A Gummi Is a Gummi's Best Friend
07. Beg, Burrow, and Steal
08. Return to Ursalia
01. Tuxford's Turnaround
02. Thornberry to the Rescue
03. Toadie the Conqueror
04. A Gummi's Work Is Never Done
05. Zummi in Slumberland / A Recipe for Trouble
06. Patchwork Gummi
07. Queen of the Carpies
08. Rocking Chair Bear
09. Once More, the Crimson Avenger
10. Friar Tum / Never Give a Gummi an Even Break
11. True Gritty
12. Trading Faces
13. Tummi Trouble
14. Wings Over Dunwyn
15. May the Best Princess Win
16. The Rite Stuff
17. King Igthorn: Part I
18. King Igthorn: Part II
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Язык: английский, русский
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