Истории о милых медвежатах и их друзьях. Бриар любит играть в футбол, а Брамбл - есть мед. С мамой-медведицей они дружно живут в залитом солнцем лесу, слушают учителя и тренера, играют на полянке и мечтают поскорее вырасти, а вокруг столько всего интересного. Например, как гусеница превращается в бабочку? Что делать, если незнакомец стучится в дверь? Как посчитать, сколько у тебя яблок? Как подготовить сюрприз на день рождения друга? Почему важно быть честным? Каждый день эти милые зверюшки учатся чему-то новому.
01. A Whole New World
02. Bramble the Brave
03. Light Up Little Guy
04. Happy Camping
05. A Bears Gotta Do What a Bears Gotta Do
06. The Watermelon Patch
07. Be Our Guest
08. Grow Bramble Grow
09. The Stranger
10. The Old Toys
11. Integrity Trophy
12. Violets First Day
13. Matamorphosis
14. Brambles Birthday Surprise
15. Little Inventor
16. Fragrant Spring Flowers
17. The Newbie
18. Jealous Heart
19. Rainy Day Fun
20. The More the Better
21. Briars Teeth
22. Substitute Teacher
23. Violets Treasure Chest
24. Little Teachers
25. The Family Visit
26. You Get What You Put In
27. Tiki the Weatherman
28. Herbys Helpful Apples
29. Kitty the Tiger
30. The Magic Words
31. Baby Birdie
32. Gulu Monster
33. Beloved Fish
34. The Mysterious Forest Guard
35. Attack of the Mosquitoes
36. Moms Out for the Day
37. The Magic Conch
38. The New Hat
39. Vick and Tikis Pranks
40. Its a Small Small World
41. Tikis Baby Tooth
42. Safety First
43. Ernie Jos Dream Job
44. Count Me Out
45. Tardy Bramble
46. Unite or Fight
47. Vicks Bad Habit
48. Farewell Tree Friend
49. Art Class
50. Magic House Fairy
51. Goodbye Babu
52. The Best Birthday Gift
01. Babu Returns
02. Hiccup Problem
03. Its a Secret
04. Prince and Princess
05. The Name Game
06. Violets Tea Party
07. Moms Favorite Fruit Pie
08. The Star Medal
09. Vicks First Robot
10. Red Light Yellow light Green Light
11. Growing Up
12. The Unhappy Ernie Jo
13. Talent Show
14. Good Intentions
15. The Shoelace Problem
16. Lets Play a Game
17. Wedding Anniversary
18. Spring Cleaning
19. Sleepy Briar
20. Show and Tail
21. Watermelon Seed Problem
22. Meteor Shower
23. Sleepless Night
24. Amazing Dad
25. Morning Glory
26. The Umbrella
27. Durian
28. A Gift for Violet
29. Who Ate the Moon
30. One Summer Night
31. One More Time
32. The Treasure Map
33. The Shadow
34. The Trip to the Seaside
35. Tiki Cant Lose
36. The Log Bridge
37. Tea Time
38. The Thunder Monster
39. The Giant Pumpkin
40. Bob the Wild Goose
41. Ernie Jos Collection
42. Picking Corn
43. A Magical Dream
44. Forest Fright
45. Snow for Roger
46. Asking for Directions
47. Going Nuts
48. Best Friends Forever
49. My Precious Ears
50. My Favorite Color
51. The Monster Nian
52. Treasure Hunt
01. Group Pictures
02. Old Billys Old Carpet
03. Fire Safety Knowledge Competition
04. The Fight with the Dark Queen
05. Mommas Tea Party
06. The Magic Door Knob
07. The Kidnapping Test
08. Tearful Fruit
09. A Unique Problem
10. Mommys Job
11. A Magical Team
12. Lucky Clover
13. A Fathers Love
14. See the Signs
15. Growing Pains
16. Lunch Trouble
17. Ernie Jos Gifts
18. The Floating Paper Boats
19. The Vegetable Patch
20. Special Clothes
21. New Toys
22. Just a Minute
23. Summoning the Sun
24. The Frog Friends
25. Collecting Air
26. Disappear Fruit Peels
27. Tikis Dancing Lessons
28. Mom and Me
29. The Pink Racket
30. A Promising Flower
31. Babus Stage Fright
32. Melon Fields
33. A Party at Violets
34. Got a Spare
35. Monkey See Monkey Do
36. Where Does Water Come From
37. Are You ready
38. The New Football
39. The Helping Board
40. The Balloon Burst
41. Where is Tiki
42. The Gift of Joy
43. On the Same Wavelength
44. Field Trip
45. The Hazelnuts
46. All by My Luna-Loo Lonesome
47. Clay Figure
48. The Toy Car Race
49. Tiki the Know-it-all
50. Warren the Chatterbox
51. Herbert on Ice
52. Warmth in Cold Winter
01. A Days Work
02. The Magic Vase
03. Scribbling
04. Antique Discovery
05. Robot Toy
06. Ernie Jos Kung Fu Performance
07. Like Riding a Bike
08. Where Did the Ink Go
09. Brain vs Brawn
10. The Old Marker
11. Swirling Slide
12. Loyal Audiences
13. Rescuing Winter
14. Blueberry Cookies
15. Breakfast is Important
16. Brambles Painting
17. Blue Hydrangea
18. The Lost Football
19. Pumpkin Party
20. Seat Reservation
21. The Kite
22. A Special Castle
23. Field Trip
24. The Wishing Tree
25. New Partner
26. Magic Static
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